Monday, April 20, 2009

Does School Kill Creativity?

I was treated to this video in my Philosophy Of Education lecture. Be forewarned this video is 19 minutes long.; worth every minute of it, I believe. If you are only to watch a bit, start 4:14 into it. It's quite funny. Also, click the top right corner of the video area to toggle full-screen mode.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

What Teacher's Make

I recently saw this video of Taylor Mali in my Theory and Professional Practice course. A poet and a teacher himself, he does an fantastic job of describing what a teacher makes. I enjoyed his linguistic skills so much I searched and found a second video that's just as good, called "Miracle Worker". Enjoy. If your a teacher you definitely (beautiful) will.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

How I Got Here

We had an assignment in our philosophy class where we were to draw a life map; showing our journey in becoming an educator. The "map" is probably a good indicator of how your philosophy of teaching developed. As you can see I had fun doing this assignment.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

CTV Placement Was The Bomb

During my placement at CTV I had the unique opportunity to see how the "magic" of television all comes together. I spent several days with crew members from pre-production, production and post production. I shadowed positions like technical directors, camera operators, production assistants, tape operators, Deko operators, audio technicians, equipment engineers, on-line editors, directors and even producers. I would espcially like to thank the following people who made it all worth while: Stephen Shepherd, Doug Kelly, Roy Janke and Sally Karim. I won't soon forget my time spent on set of the television show Forensic Factor; that's where I shot the above photo of the prop bomb exploding.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lenticular Print

This is a lenticular print I created for my Curriculum class. It was an interpretative assignment where I was responsible for the final design of the project. The criteria for the assignment was to reflect on a personal experience and curricular issue that was important to me. On the back of the print was my rational and this is what it said: Some of the motivation I called upon during my process of becoming a teacher was to recall my experience as a student. I was a student that was often over-looked for help because I appeared to have understood. A student who suffered in silence because of pride and a lack of self-confidence, was also the same student who immediately behaved when guided to some success. During my practicum I made a conscious decision to seek out these silent students. First hand, I saw how a little success created a different student. It was fun watching those self-deprecating individuals become empowered bright lights in the classroom. Even when students gain minimal success, I will continue to use this strategy during my career because I remember what I needed as a student.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Up The River Without A...

Shhh. Don't tell my mother but I'm making her a paddle. Just one of the many projects here at Queen's to help you incorporate cool things into your own classroom.