Sunday, January 18, 2009

Totally Unrelated To School

The last four days has been quite exciting and revealing for me. I was happy to discover the Ontario College of Teachers called only to clarify a detail on my application. Not to deny me certification or any combination of wild ideas my imagination could dream up (Those blue pages haunt my dreams). I was graced by a visit from my girlfriend, on this my birthday weekend, without once an anxious thought of homework. I discovered today that I shared the same age as the extraordinary Lance Armstrong; who decided to make this day his return to cycling after 3 years of retirement. I've always known I shared my birthday with Martin Luther King day but I would never had guessed that it would be this close to the Inauguration of the world's new hope for change; Barack Obama.

Thanks to these little discoveries I feel a renewed sense of energy. Perfect timing.

1 comment:

MissG said...

I'm glad I can make a difference.

I like you a lot!